EPA LEAD CERTIFICATION FLORIDA is your source for Federal and State Government-Approved
Training to comply with the new EPA Lead Paint Standards! The trainers that sell their courses on EPA LEAD CERTIFICATION FLORIDA have already trained
and certified thousands of construction professionals, and they know what it takes to get your training delivered and get you certified as quickly as possible.
If you have questions about the new Lead Paint Certification RRP (Renovation, Repair, and Painting) requirements,
contact customer support on this page. Knowledgable professionals are standing by and can help you understand more about the
complicated RRP Rule - contact us today and make sure you are in compliance!
State Specific Requirements
Our goal is to ensure our Students' compliance with ALL Federal and State Requirements for the new
RRP Laws. New states are taking over the RRP Program on a daily basis and we've compiled the most
up-to-date information available on each state. While this website lists
Florida lead certification classes, if you are doing work in any of
the states listed below, you may have additional requirements. Read on for more information:
Alabama: Individuals performing RRP work in Alabama must register with the University of Alabama's Division of Environmental and Industrial Programs
Alabama Individual App. The annual fee is $100. In addition, Renovators must work under an Alabama-certified contractor
Alabama Contractor App. This annual fee is $300, paid to the Alabama Department of Public Health.
Georgia: Individuals performing RRP work in Georgia must register with the Georgia EPD (
GA Renovator Application). The fee is $150, and it is valid for 3 years. In addition, Renovators must work under a Georgia-certified firm (
GA Firm Application). The fee for firms is $125 for 1 year, or $300 for 3 years.
Iowa: Individuals performing RRP work in Iowa must register with the Iowa Department of Public Health. This fee is $60 every year. Renovators must also work under an Iowa-certified firm. There is no fee for the firm certificate at this time.
Kansas: Individuals performing RRP work in Kansas must register with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Kansas Individual App. There is no fee at this time. In addition, Renovators must work under a Kansas-certified renovation firm
Kansas Firm App. This fee is $200 for the initial firm certificate, with a renewal cost of $100 every five years.
Massachusetts: Individuals and firms performing RRP work in Massachusetts must register with the Massachusetts DLS (
MA Renovator Application). The fee is $375, and it is valid for 5 years.
Mississippi: Firms must be certified to perform RRP work in Mississippi. The annual fee is $350 paid to the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
Mississippi Firm App. Individuals performing RRP work in Mississippi must also register with the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
Mississippi Individual App. The annual fee is $75, unless you are the 1st or 2nd Certified Renovator associated with the Certified Firm you are working for. If you are the 1st or 2nd Renovator, you are exempt from this fee.
North Carolina: Individuals must register with the NC Dept. of Health and Human Services (
NC Individual Application). Contractors must also register to become a Certified Renovation Firm (
NC Firm Application), and there is a yearly $300 fee.
Oklahoma: Firms must be certified to perform RRP work in Oklahoma. The firm fee is $300 paid directly to the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), and it is valid for five years - the application can be downloaded here:
Firm App. Individuals DO NOT need to put in a separate application to the state to become certified.
Oregon: Firms must be certified to perform RRP work in Oregon. The fee is $250 paid to the Oregon Health Authority
Oregon Firm App and it is valid for five years. If you are a contractor registered with Oregon CCB (Construction Contractors Board) and you already have a contractor's license, the fee to become a certified firm is $50
Oregon CCB Firm App.
Rhode Island: Individuals performing RRP work in Rhode Island must register with the Rhode Island Department of Health
Rhode Island Individual App. The fee is $40 and is valid for five years. Renovators must work under a Rhode Island-certified Lead Hazard Control Firm
Rhode Island Firm App. This fee is also $40 and is valid for five years.
Utah: Find all necessary forms at the Utah DEQ Website. -
Utah DEQ Website.
Washington: Renovation firms must register with the Washington Dept. of Commerce and pay a $25 fee, which is valid for 5 years (
WA Firm Application). Individuals who would like to perform RRP activities in Washington state but were certified by the EPA or other authorized state can do so by registering and paying a $25 fee, which is valid for 5 years (
WA Individual Reciprocity Application).
Wisconsin: Renovation firms must register with the Wisconsin Dept. of Health Services and pay a $75 fee, which is valid for 2 years (
WI Firm Application). Individuals who would like to perform RRP activities in Wisconsin but were certified by the EPA or other authorized state can do so by registering and paying DHS a $50 fee every two years, (
WI Individual Application).